देश – विदेश
Govt introduces penalty regime for non-compliance of fly ash utilisation | India News

NEW DELHI: Prohibiting dumping and disposal of fly ash discharged from coal or lignite based thermal power plants on land or into water bodies, the Centre has made it mandatory for such plants to ensure 100% utilization of ash in an eco-friendly manner, and introduced for the first time a penalty regime for non-compliance based on ‘polluter pays’ principle.
The obligations for achieving the ash utilization targets will be applicable from April 1 in a three to five year cycle. As far as unutilised accumulated ash (legacy ash) is concerned, the ministry has given a window of 10 years to power plants for progressively utilizing it.
Under new rules, notified by the environment ministry last Friday, non-compliant power plants will be imposed with an environmental compensation of Rs 1,000 per tonne on unutilised ash during the end of every financial year. The amount, collected by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) from the thermal power plants, will be used towards the safe disposal of the unutilised ash. It may also be utilized for advancing research on use of ash including ash based products.
Though fly ash utilization in India has increased from nearly 10% in 1996-97 to the highest level of 92% in 2020-21, over 17 million tonnes remained unutilized during last financial year when 179 thermal power plants generated around 222 million tonnes of fly ash.
Since the unutilized fly ash creates environmental hazards leading to contamination of soil and groundwater, and air pollution, the ministry has now made it mandatory for all agencies (government, semi-government and private), engaged in construction activities such as road laying, road and flyover embankments, shoreline protection structures in coastal districts and dams within 300 kms from the lignite or coal based thermal power plants, to utilize ash in these activities.
In that case, power plants will have to deliver fly ash at project sites free of cost. The power plant may, however, charge for ash cost and transportation as per mutually agreed terms, in case it is able to dispose of the ash through other means.
The government had issued the fly ash utilization order way back in 1999 and subsequently amended it several times. The latest one to achieve the target of 100% fly ash utilization was issued after going through the suggestions on its draft, released last year. “Statutory obligation of 100% utilization of ash shall be treated as a change in law, wherever applicable,” said the new notification.
The CPCB and the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) will be the enforcing and monitoring authority for ensuring compliance of the provisions and will monitor the utilization of ash on a quarterly basis. “The CPCB shall develop a portal for the purpose within six months of the date of publication of the notification. The concerned district magistrate shall have concurrent jurisdiction for enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of this notification,” said the order.
The ministry has also notified eco-friendly use of fly ash such as making of bricks, blocks, tiles, fiber cement sheets, pipes, boards, and panels. It can also be used in cement manufacturing, ready mix concrete, construction of road and fly over embankment, ash and geo-polymer based construction material, construction of dam, filling up of low lying area, filling of mine voids and construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts. Power plants can also export ash to other countries.
The obligations for achieving the ash utilization targets will be applicable from April 1 in a three to five year cycle. As far as unutilised accumulated ash (legacy ash) is concerned, the ministry has given a window of 10 years to power plants for progressively utilizing it.
Under new rules, notified by the environment ministry last Friday, non-compliant power plants will be imposed with an environmental compensation of Rs 1,000 per tonne on unutilised ash during the end of every financial year. The amount, collected by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) from the thermal power plants, will be used towards the safe disposal of the unutilised ash. It may also be utilized for advancing research on use of ash including ash based products.
Though fly ash utilization in India has increased from nearly 10% in 1996-97 to the highest level of 92% in 2020-21, over 17 million tonnes remained unutilized during last financial year when 179 thermal power plants generated around 222 million tonnes of fly ash.
Since the unutilized fly ash creates environmental hazards leading to contamination of soil and groundwater, and air pollution, the ministry has now made it mandatory for all agencies (government, semi-government and private), engaged in construction activities such as road laying, road and flyover embankments, shoreline protection structures in coastal districts and dams within 300 kms from the lignite or coal based thermal power plants, to utilize ash in these activities.
In that case, power plants will have to deliver fly ash at project sites free of cost. The power plant may, however, charge for ash cost and transportation as per mutually agreed terms, in case it is able to dispose of the ash through other means.
The government had issued the fly ash utilization order way back in 1999 and subsequently amended it several times. The latest one to achieve the target of 100% fly ash utilization was issued after going through the suggestions on its draft, released last year. “Statutory obligation of 100% utilization of ash shall be treated as a change in law, wherever applicable,” said the new notification.
The CPCB and the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) will be the enforcing and monitoring authority for ensuring compliance of the provisions and will monitor the utilization of ash on a quarterly basis. “The CPCB shall develop a portal for the purpose within six months of the date of publication of the notification. The concerned district magistrate shall have concurrent jurisdiction for enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of this notification,” said the order.
The ministry has also notified eco-friendly use of fly ash such as making of bricks, blocks, tiles, fiber cement sheets, pipes, boards, and panels. It can also be used in cement manufacturing, ready mix concrete, construction of road and fly over embankment, ash and geo-polymer based construction material, construction of dam, filling up of low lying area, filling of mine voids and construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts. Power plants can also export ash to other countries.
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